- Several new HES course sections were added to the Spring 2022 schedule on October 20th, especially HESS 230 Pilates, HESS 279 Yoga I, and HESO (Outdoor) courses.
- Students need 2 hours of HES classes to fulfill the GEP requirement, and one of these hours must be a HESF 100-level class. The second hour can be at the 100 or 200-level. HESF 100 Cross Training is the only 2-hour class that will fulfill the entire requirement with one course.
- The course numbers do NOT indicate level or intensity (movement-wise). Example: HESF 101 is a running-based course while HESF 102 is a walk-based course. Students should read course descriptions to get an idea of what type of physical activity is involved in each class.
- Course descriptions and sample syllabi can be found on the HES website if students would like to research the course options in more detail: https://hes.dasa.ncsu.edu/courses/
- HES will offer in-person and online classes during the summer sessions, though our schedule is not yet posted. Classes will be available in the next couple weeks.