NC State
MEAS Undergraduate Updates
PhD Research Assistantship in Marine Science at UofSC with Full Funding
PhD Research Assistantship in Marine Science (Specialization in

Physical Oceanography/Ocean Atmospheric Dynamics/Satellite
Oceanography)  in  the School of the Earth, Ocean and Environment at
the University of South Carolina, Columbia.

The Satellite Oceanography Laboratory at the University of South
Carolina, Columbia invites applications from qualified students to our
PhD. (Marine Science) in the School of the Earth, Ocean and
Environment at the University of South Carolina (USC) to work on
problems in Physical Oceanography/ Satellite Oceanography/ Ocean
Modelling/Air-Sea Interaction/Tropical Ocean Circulation, and
Dynamical  Processes.

Please visit these web pages:

Satellite Oceanography Laboratory
The School of the Earth, Ocean and Environment

Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Oceanography, Marine Science,
Meteorology, Atmospheric science is required. Applicants should have
strong mathematical and computer programming skills in Matlab/Python/IDL.

Full Funding is  available starting in Summer/Fall 2020 for 3-4 years for these projects:
1.Estimation of Freshwater Transports in the Arctic Ocean using satellite derived salinity and model simulations
2. Monitoring of Monsoon Intraseasonal Oscillations in the Indian Ocean
3.Mesoscale and submesoscale eddy variability and its linkage to Atmospheric Deep convection over the North Indian Ocean
4. The Impact of Salinity on Gulf of Mexico Loop Current System and eddies
Interested applicants are encouraged to send a statement of interest
and current resume with GRE  scores to: Prof. Subra Bulusu.