NC State
MEAS Undergraduate Updates

This coming Monday’s MEAS Dept. Seminar will be given by Noah Liguori-Bills and Walt Robinson in Biltmore 2010 and via Zoom.

Seminar Title – Fossil Fuel Divestment in Academia

Speakers – Noah Liguori-Bills, Atmospheric Science PhD Student, and Walt Robinson, Professor of Atmospheric Science (hosted by the Seminar Committee)

Bio –  Noah Liguori-BillsWalt Robinson

Abstract – Fossil fuel divestment is the action of disclosing and ending all investments, professional relationships, recruiting events, and business with the fossil fuel industry. Over 140 four year colleges (about 3% in the US) have already announced divestment commitments, including Harvard, Oxford, and NYU. According to a report by Oxford Smith’s School of Enterprise and the Environment “[Divestment] poses the most far-reaching threat to fossil fuel companies. Any direct impacts pale in comparison.” This talk aims to provide an overview of academic fossil fuel divestment, and stimulate discussion about the role that individual departments can take in university wide efforts.