AEG-GSA Jahns Lecturer
Vince Cronin
“The Search for the Dog Valley Fault”
Thursday 19 Oct 2023 at 12:00 PM (noon)
Rm 1132 Jordan Hall, NC State University
Abstract: The Dog Valley fault (DVF) is an active left-lateral strike-slip fault that is responsible for the M6 Truckee earthquake (1966) — the largest earthquake yet recorded in the Tahoe-Truckee area of California and Nevada. Although the DVF is included in the Quaternary Fault and Fold Database of the United States, its ground-surface trace is not well established. Getting a better handle on this fault is important because another large earthquake on the DVF might endanger Stampede and Boca dams, whose failures would quickly send a significant volume of water and debris into downtown Reno. One estimate places the potential number of casualties related to sudden failure of these dams in the low six-figure range. This talk summarizes work done by Dr. Cronin and student collaborators using the Seismo-Lineament Analysis Method (SLAM) to locate the DVF and understand its structural context. For more information about this topic, navigate to
Vince Cronin’ Bio