NC State
MEAS Undergraduate Updates

The application cycle for the TRIO Ronald E. McNair Scholars Program at NC State is still open until all remaining spaces are filled!

The McNair Scholars Program offers a unique and enriching educational experience for first-generation/low-income students or underrepresented students, empowering them to excel as undergraduates, succeed in graduate school, and ultimately pursue faculty positions in colleges and universities nationwide by obtaining their Ph.D. or Ed.D.

The McNair Scholars Program provides a comprehensive range of services and activities to participants at no cost, including:

  • Individualized academic and personal support from McNair Scholars Program Staff
  • Hands-on experience conducting research
  • A paid summer research experience or internship
  • Faculty, graduate student, and peer mentoring
  • GRE preparation assistance
  • Opportunities to participate in research conferences and visit graduate schools
  • Guidance and support in identifying and applying to graduate schools
  • Workshops on the graduate school application process, financial aid, scholarships, and fellowships

Application Link:

Application Deadline: Until all remaining spaces are filled

At least two (2) letters of recommendation are required for the application process (submitted at

If you have any questions or need further information, please don’t hesitate to contact us at