NC State
MEAS Undergraduate Updates

Explore NC barbecue during Maymester!

Course:        SSUS 295 – Sociology of Barbecue

GEP:             Social Science or US Diversity

Instructor:      Dr. Sarah Bowen

Day & Time:   MTWThF 9:50 – 12:50

Location:        111 1911 Building

This course will use North Carolina barbecue as a lens for examining how food is produced, sold, consumed and understood. As sociologist John Shelton Reed stated 20 years ago, “I don’t think you can really understand the South if you don’t understand barbecue—as food, process, and event.” This course aims to do just that. Barbecue will serve as a gateway for our sociological exploration of such topics labor in food systems, agriculture and environmental justice, race and food history, and food and community traditions. Class may include field trips.