Below are some announcements, reminders, and deadlines that the OUR would like to share.
We welcome students and faculty/staff to meet with (or email) OUR staff and student ambassadors with research-related questions or concerns! We’re happy to provide support, information, and/or resources.
OUR Events and Reminders
- Spring OUR Research Award Proposals are open and will close on (the revised date of) November 16. Please carefully review the information and instructions on the OUR funding page and use all provided templates. Don’t forget to work closely with your mentor! Students from all disciplines are encouraged to submit their research/creative work proposals. Although the formal help sessions have passed, you can still reach out to Dr. Showalter for assistance prior to November 16!
- Are you presenting at a conference/other research event and would like to practice a presentation or have a PPT/poster reviewed? The OUR will host a practice and feedback session on November 14 from 4:30-5:30 in Cox 204. Whether just starting or nearly finished, you can receive feedback at any stage!
- The National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) will be held April 13-15, 2023 at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. Abstracts are due November 30. More information here. In addition to “typical” oral/poster research presentations, NCUR provides options for creative works (e.g., a Jazz Expo, a Mural Project). Review categories and submission types here. Inform the OUR if you submit to NCUR (email Dr. Showalter).
- The State of North Carolina Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium (SNCURCS) will be held Saturday, December 3 at UNC Wilmington. Abstract submission and registration are closed. Let the OUR know if you are not presenting but registered to attend (including students, mentors, etc.); we can likely provide transportation.
- The World Conference on Undergraduate Research (WCUR) will be held at the University of Warwick April 3-6, 2023. Applications are due by November 16 (noon, UTC); find more information here. Inform the OUR if you apply.
- The ACC Meeting of the Minds conference will be hosted by VA Tech on March 24-26, 2023. NC State will take a select number of students. Undergraduate researchers from any discipline are encouraged to apply, and will need to submit a faculty letter of support, an abstract for the work, a resume, and an application. Find more information and view the application on this page (applications are due January 20, 2023).
- Thank you to those who attended the Fall 22 OUR seminars! Spring 23 OUR seminars will be posted late Nov/early Dec. We will provide 14 sessions on research-related topics.
- The OUR provides travel awards (accepted throughout the year) to help mitigate costs of going to a conference or discipline-related event if you are accepted to present. Make sure to read requirements and submit all necessary information.
Other Events and Reminders
- The Dignity Journal is an undergraduate journal housed at UNC Asheville for human rights scholarship and is open to all UNC System undergraduates. Consider submitting work for the next publication by February 1.
- Interested in a summer research opportunity? Check out the current list of NC State programs and/or other university/foundation programs.