The Department of Sociology and Anthropology (and Criminology) will be hosting an information session for students interested in adding or changing a major to Anthropology, Criminology or the BA or BS in Sociology on Tuesday, October 4, at 4:30 pm Zoom.
Information and Zoom link:
Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Criminology Zoom Information Session: Tuesday, October 4 at 4:30 pm
- Are you considering changing your major to Sociology, Anthropology or Criminology through the NC State Change of Degree (CODA) Process?
- Are you considering adding a double major in Sociology, Anthropology or Criminology?
If so, come to an Information Session and meet our Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Criminology Student Ambassadors and learn more!
Zoom Information:
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 986 1903 8874 One tap mobile +12678310333,,98619038874# US