Live From R/V Thomas G. Thompson | Diving on an Underwater Volcano
An opportunity to witness some of the most amazing places on Earth.
Join Exploring by the Seat of Your Pants for a live broadcast from the global class research ship, the University of Washingtons’ R/V Thomas G. Thompson hosting a state-of-the-art robotic vehicle called ROPOS. We will be diving on the largest and most active volcano off the Oregon coast – Axial Seamount – located 300 miles offshore and nearly a mile beneath the oceans’ surface. ROPOS will be streaming live video of the lava flows and underwater hot springs venting >600°F fluids. The vents are one of the most extreme environments on Earth. Here, microbes thrive on volcanic gases and support novel animal communities including beautiful tube worms with bright red plumes. If we are lucky, we will see deep-sea octopus that live near the vents.
You will also witness the ROV installing instruments on the US’s largest underwater observatory, the Regional Cabled Array, part of the Ocean Observatories Initiative, funded by the National Science Foundation. This cabled observatory brings the internet directly into the ocean, streaming data live to shore at the speed of light from over 150 instruments (including high definition video of the hot springs) that can be used by a global audience. You will get a tour of the ROV control center, talk with undergraduate students onboard, and witness some of the most amazing places on Earth.
Mark your calendars:
August 31, 2022, 1:00 pm to 1:45 pm EST
Sign up to reserve a spot: