RFCs are responsible for providing critical hydrologic and hydrometeorological forecasts and data to both technical and public partners to assist in making life-saving and financially prudent decisions across the southeast US and Puerto Rico. We work closely with National Weather Service Weather Forecast Offices, the United States Army Corps of Engineers, the United States Geological Survey, local/state/federal emergency management offices, water resources, and hydropower entities to accomplish this mission.
The link to the USAJOBS application for these positions are available at this location: https://www.usajobs.gov/job/638245500
We are seeking an individual who is excited about investigating a career in hydrologic and hydraulic science and modeling set in a forecasting, service-oriented environment. Beneficial ancillary skills include: Geographic Information Systems (GIS), shell scripting and/or computer programming, the ability to communicate technical information in a succinct written or spoken format, probabilistic/stochastic modeling, meteorology.
While the announcement is not restrictive in a degree program per se, please note the “Qualifications” section of the application announcement and be mindful that the intern’s eventual conferred degree will most likely need to meet the GS-1315 (Hydrologist) requirements to be eligible to convert this internship into a full-time position upon completion. More information on those requirements are available at: https://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/classification-qualifications/general-schedule-qualification-standards/1300/hydrology-series-1315/
A general overview of the Pathways program is available at this location:
Please note the rather short application window. Applications must be completed and submitted by March 1, 2022!