The Poole College of Management is excited to share our Spring 2022 resources for students interested in Poole CODA, Poole minors or the Poole Business Essentials Certificate.
Poole CODA Website:
Students can visit our Poole CODA website to learn about the Poole CODA process, courses, upcoming deadlines and more.
Poole CODA Email Account:
Our Poole Transfer email account for prospective Poole CODA students is This account is checked daily Monday-Friday and prospective Poole CODA students can get their questions answered.
“Opportunities in Poole” Information Sessions:
In order to scale our resources and services during peak registration season, we will be holding weekly “Opportunities in Poole” Information Sessions for students interested in Poole CODA as well as current & prospective Poole Minor and Certificate students. These sessions cover Poole information and students have time to ask individual questions at the end. Times and dates are posted on our Poole CODA website
Poole CODA Drop-in Hours:
We will be offering weekly drop-in hours for students interested in Poole CODA starting Thursday, January 27th until spring break. After spring break we will switch to our “Opportunities in Poole” Information Sessions to accommodate more students.
Thursdays from 1/27 to Spring Break, 2:00 – 4:00pm in Holmes Hall 2nd Floor