Audience: Undergraduate Students Currently in Their Junior Year
Application Deadline: Jan. 26
The NASA Student Airborne Research Program is an eight-week summer internship for rising senior undergraduate students. The program provides students with hands-on research experience in all aspects of a scientific campaign on one or more of the NASA Airborne Science Program’s flying science laboratories. Participants will help operate aircraft instruments to sample atmospheric gases and/or to image land and water surfaces in multiple spectral bands. Applicants must be U.S. citizens. Participants receive a stipend, and travel/living expenses are covered.
Audience: Undergraduate Students Currently in Their Freshman or Sophomore Year
Application Deadline: Jan. 31
The NASA Student Airborne Science Activation (SaSa) program invites highly-motivated rising sophomore and rising junior undergraduate students to participate in an eight-week summer research experience. The program provides students with hands-on research experience in all components of a scientific campaign, including flying onboard the NASA
P-3 research aircraft to collect land, ocean, and atmospheric measurements. Participants receive a stipend, and travel/living expenses are covered.