NC State
MEAS Undergraduate Updates

Indigenous People’s Day is October 11th

Come celebrate this year’s theme  “The Power of Narrative”.  As a part of this theme, we are going to center the idea of story and perspective. In order to do this, we will be bringing in Mrs. Nora Dial-Stanley, (a Lumbee elder), to open with a creation story. From there, we will be centering student voices by facilitating a presentation on North Carolina tribes, which will also be partnered with a current student/young alumni panel.

At the conclusion of the program, there will be time for audience members to engage, ask questions, and take part in student tabeling which will highlight native student organizations and initiatives on NC State’s campus.

This event will be held on October 11th from 6:30-8:40pm in Currituck-Hatteras Ballroom (located in Talley Student Union).