MEA 455, MEA 593, SPRING 2022
M,W 11:45AM – 1:00PM
About the course: Micrometeorology is the branch of meteorology that deals with observations and processes in the smallest scales of time and space, approximately smaller than 1 km. In this class you will learn how to measure and model the exchange of gases, heat, and momentum between the surface and the atmosphere, how to characterize winds in the planetary boundary layer, and how to measure and model the dispersion of pollutants. The class includes a field visit to an active micrometeorological station where multiple air quality and biophysical sensors are deployed.
Prerequisites: MEA 321, MEA 422 (can be a corequisite). If you don’t have these prerequisites and/or have any questions, please email Prof. Camilo Rey-Sanchez:
Jordan Hall 3140
Email: areysan@ncsu.edu
Website: ibiomet.com