NC State
MEAS Undergraduate Updates

For Undergraduates & Graduates !!!

Aquatic Microbiology
MEA 468/568 (undergrad/grad)
Fall Semester | 3 Units


Dr. Ryan Paerl,


Jordan 5131, M/W 3-4:15pm

Topics covered:

  • Biodiversity
  • Microbial impact on ecosystems
  • Food webs and cell interactions
  • Common and rare lifestyles
  • Research techniques
  • Industry use of aquatic microbes

Class format:

  • Discussions, lectures, and hands-on teaching modules
  • Hands-on modules include DNA sequence analysis, nutrient bioassays, and food web models

In-depth course description:

Aquatic microbes are key drivers of biogeochemistry on Earth. They also influence the ‘health’ of valuable ecosystems, e.g. estuaries, coasts, lakes, as well as, larger organisms (e.g. shellfish, humans). In this course, multiple facets of aquatic microbiology will be covered, including (not limited to): population diversity, spatial and temporal dynamics, sampling methodologies, metabolisms, and their environmental and societal importance.  A primary goal for this course is for students to be exposed to key paradigms and current challenges within the field of aquatic microbiology, but also a general perspective on how aquatic microbes thrive in nature. Although largely a classroom-based course, select class periods will be devoted to hands-on activities and/or measurements providing students with methodological experience or in-depth exposure to key topics.

In-depth learning outcomes:

By course end students will be able to:

  • Describe primary lifestyles of microbial aquatic life – and their ‘tricks of the trade’ to obtain energy and build biomass.
  • Describe microbial diversity, modern approaches to assess it; further, recognize the difference between taxonomy and phylogeny.
  • Distinguish between aquatic microbial metabolic strategies and predict where they occur.
  • Outline central components to microbial food webs and predict shifts in food web structure with environmental change.
  • Define nutrient cycling and how microbes are major players in aquatic nutrient ‘cycles’.
  • Explain microbial nutrient limitation, and its influence upon population growth and yields.
  • Explain how aquatic microbes impact biotechnology, agriculture, and public health fields.

Online flyer: