Undergraduate Research Internships Summer 2021
North Inlet – Winyah Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR)
Baruch Marine Field Laboratory, Georgetown, SC
The North Inlet – Winyah Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (www.northinlet.sc.edu), one of 29 NOAA-funded estuarine research reserves (www.nerrs.noaa.gov) and located at the U of SC Baruch Marine Field Laboratory in Georgetown, SC (www.baruch.sc.edu), is offering two undergraduate research internships for the summer of 2021.
The internships will work with NERR scientists, USC faculty and graduate student in support of research projects involving:
1) Ecology of intertidal oyster reefs and their role as critical habitat for associated animals and plants.
2) Performance of optical sensor technology for phytoplankton monitoring in diverse coastal waters
Each internship will involve a combination of field and laboratory sampling and analysis. There will also be opportunities to gain experience in other ongoing estuarine research and monitoring projects to broaden the internship experience.
Internships run for 10 weeks from late May to early August (start/end dates somewhat flexible), pay $12/hour for a 37.5 hour workweek (which may include weekend work) and provide free housing in the BMFL dormitories. Interns must have their own transportation and proof of health insurance.
Prospective interns must be working towards an undergraduate degree in one of the natural or environmental sciences at an accredited college.
Interested applicants should send an email [subject line: NI-WB Summer Internship 2021] to the Reserve’s Research Coordinator, Dr. Robert Dunn (robert@baruch.sc.edu) identifying which internship they are interested in and include a brief statement of research and career interests, year in school and program of study, unofficial transcripts, and names and contact information for two references. Applications must be received by March 1, 2021.