You are invited to participate in the two-day virtual conversation: “Chasing the Rainbow: Inspiring Black Girls to Weat(her) Storms.”
This virtual empowerment panel of talented black female meteorologists will begin with WVEC’s Rachael Peart and the former meteorologist at WWAY Monique Robinson as the moderator on Friday, August 28 from 2- 3 pm EDT. The following day, Saturday, August 29 from 2-3 pm EDT, WCNC’s Iisha Scott and WTVD’s Brittany Bell will join Robinson for more discussion.
There are few black women in this field, but these women are passionate about diversifying it. The purpose of this conversation is to use these women’s stories as inspiration for other young girls to pursue STEM fields like meteorology. This guided discussion will highlight some of these women’s career accomplishments, woes, fun experiences and life lessons. Each panel will last approximately an hour.
If you are interested in attending, click here to register.