Looking for concentration courses?
AEC 400 TR 1:30-2:45 Dr. Erin McKenney (Global climate change, over-fishing, habitat loss, altered nutrient cycles, and the spread of invasive species are among the world’s pressing global environmental issues. Solutions to these problems are complex, but firmly rooted in the fundamental tenets of ecological theory. The field of applied ecology is premised on using these fundamental ecological principles to help solve the environmental challenges we face. This course will provide an overview of the field of applied ecology, based on a series of 12 individual case studies. Working from the individual to global level, the course will provide a broad perspective on the field of applied ecology.)
AEC 441/442 Biology of Fishes TR 3:00-4:15 Dr. Ben Reading (Behavior, evolution, physiology and ecology of fishes, emphasizing their adaptations for life in streams, lakes, and oceans. Prerequisite: C- or better in BIO/PB 360 Corequisite: AEC 442 Biology of Fishes Laboratory)
AEC 460 Field Ecology T 8:30-9:45, R 8:30-1:00 Dr. Erin McKenney (Field Ecology and Methods will expose senior students with interests in Ecology and Evolution to the diverse field approaches used to address ecological questions. The course considers and implements a variety of field approaches ranging from microcosm experiments to global studies of patterns and diversity. Prerequisite: C- or better in ST 311 and BIO 360)
AEC 495/592 Management of Small Impoundments TBD Dr. Tom Kwak (Students will sample Lake Raleigh fishes and habitat using a variety of gear. Each student will learn the tools to analyze and interpret field data and prepare a fishery assessment report. The final product for the course will be a group presentation to NC Wildlife Resources Commission biologists.)
AEC 495/592 Urban Ecology MW 11:45-1:00 Dr. Elsa Youngsteadt (This course examines cities as social-ecological systems with unique Physical environments, and how urban factors drive abundance and distribution of plants and animals , with consequences for biodiversity, ecosystem function, and human well-being. We will address the role of ecology in urban design and management, and ask whether urban systems, and the role of humans therein, are adequately described by existing ecological theory.)
AEC 495/592 Environmental Issues in Aquatic Ecology TR 3:00-4:15 Dr. JoAnn Burkholder (This course fills a gap in current curricula by providing students with a working scientific knowledge of water quality issues related to cultural solutions where applicable. The course is designed for practical use by both science and non-science majors.)
Applied Ecology Minor: go.ncsu.edu/AppliedEcologyMinor