NC State
MEAS Undergraduate Updates

What does it mean to be a Social Innovation Fellow?

Do you…

  • Have a passion to change the world and want to explore deeply a great social challenge related to the UN Sustainable Development Goals?
  • Currently work on a social venture, product or project solo or with a team, and/or want to join an existing venture team; OR have a social impact idea but don’t know where to go to develop this idea?
  • Want to work on an interdisciplinary team outside of your undergraduate major or graduate program?

    If so, you may be a great Social Innovation Fellow!

A year-long team-based learning experience, the Social Innovation Fellows enables NC State’s young social entrepreneurs and innovators to consider more fully their impact on humanity and our planet.

Fellows explore issues of ethics and sustainability at the intersection of social sector and responsible business practice. They also grow in understanding of themselves and the positive impact they can make in their communities and the world.

To be a Fellow is to become a keen thinker and problem solver sensitive to knowledge and cultural differences who is prepared to become an engaged and responsible global citizen at NC State and beyond.

Under the guidance of program staff, a Social Entrepreneur-in-Residence, and faculty, business and community leaders, Social Innovation Fellows learn the adaptive leadership skills to become a successful entrepreneur and the technical skills to create and launch an enterprise or project that seeks to achieve positive social impact.

Learn more and apply here: