Northeast Partnership for Atmospheric & Related Sciences (NEPARS)
Summer 2020 Research Experiences of Undergraduates (REU)
June 3 – August 4, 2020
REU Program Description: The Northeast Partnership for Atmospheric & Related Sciences (NEPARS) REU provides research opportunities for undergraduate students early in their education. The REU site brings together research mentors from two primarily undergraduate institutions with atmospheric and related science programs [Hobart & William Smith Colleges (HWS) and Plymouth State University (PSU)].
Each year 12 undergraduate students will be selected to conduct research on a variety of topics in atmospheric and related sciences. Six REU students and three mentors will work at each research location (HWS & PSU) during the 9-week summer program with several full-group gatherings planned. Students will receive a summer salary of $5,400 ($600 per week), free housing (with kitchen facilities, full utilities, and internet), and reimbursement of travel costs to and from the REU.
REU students will help develop new research projects related to mentor expertise. Projects seek to understand an array of atmospheric and physical processes, their predictability, as well as interactions across temporal and spatial scales. Research will include studies in mesoscale and synoptic meteorology, modern climate, paleoclimate, mountain meteorology, microclimates, and biometeorology. Student researchers will work in small research groups and independently during the summer research program, as well as have opportunities to collect field data on Seneca Lake, NY using the HWS research vessel and on Mt. Washington, NH in partnership with the Mt. Washington Observatory. Students will develop or enhance skills related to working with analytical software and large databases, statistical analysis techniques, and scientific writing and presentation. In most cases, students will have opportunities for funded travel to present their research at regional or national scientific meetings, such as the AMS Annual Student Conference and AGU Annual Meeting.
The REU is partnering with the Mt. Washington Observatory and the Department of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences at SUNY Albany to offer interactions beneficial to student professional development. Additionally, REU student researchers will complete a series of leadership workshops led by the HWS Centennial Center. Funding for the NEPARS REU site is contingent on continued support from the National Science Foundation.
Eligibility: Undergraduate students (First-year, Sophomore, and Junior) working toward a degree in meteorology, atmospheric science, geoscience, environmental science, geography, computer science, mathematics, physics or other related degree program are encouraged to apply. Prior research experience is not required. First-year and sophomore students are especially encouraged to apply.
Application Procedure: All student applicants are required to complete an on-line application form. Access to the 2020 on-line application form can be found at along with information about the NEPARS REU site. If additional questions arise, please contact Professor Neil Laird (
Deadline: The on-line application must be submitted by 5:00 PM EST on February 10, 2020. Applicants will be notified of decisions by March 20, 2020.