NC State
MEAS Undergraduate Updates
Did you know that the Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) provides an enhanced institutional members to CUR for faculty, staff and students of NC State University?  This means that you can join as an individual at no cost!
So what is CUR?

The mission of the Council on Undergraduate Research is to support and promote high-quality undergraduate student-faculty collaborative research and scholarship.
CUR provides support and professional development opportunities for faculty, staff, administrators, and students. Our publications and outreach activities are designed to share successful models and strategies for establishing, nurturing, and institutionalizing undergraduate research programs. We assist administrators and faculty members in improving and assessing the research environment at their institutions. We recognize institutions that have exemplary undergraduate research programs and faculty who have facilitated undergraduate research at their institutions through their mentorship and leadership. We also provide information on the importance of undergraduate research to private foundations, government agencies, state legislatures, and the U.S. Congress. Faculty, staff, administrators, students, and colleagues from all types of academic institutions and organizations form the dynamic CUR membership.

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