NC State
MEAS Undergraduate Updates
Below is the schedule for the five sections of FLE 101 Academic Writing and Research, the two sections of FLE 400 American English Pronunciation, and the one section of FLE 201 Oral Communication in English for International Students.   They are capped at 16 so that students have maximum attention and practice. Students can take FLE 201 and FLE 400 on a pass/fail basis if they wish.


FLE 400 – American English Pronunciation (3 credits) – is open to both graduate and undergraduate
students. The course provides intensive pronunciation practice for non-native speakers of English who want
to improve the clarity of their English speech. The primary focus of the course is improvement in the areas
that are most important in making speech more understandable and native-like: word-stress and phrase-
stress, intonation, and the rhythm of English speech. In addition, there will also be individual and class work
on vowel and consonant difficulties throughout the semester.
FLE 400-001 MW 3:00-4:15; FLE 400-002 TTH 11:45-1:00PM
FLE 201 –Oral Communication in English for International Students (3 credits)– Oral communication
in English; active and interactive speaking skills, listening comprehension and reading. Specific tasks in
spoken English such as communicating information, making inquiries, requests and complaints. Individual
and group work inthe form of oral reports, role play, presentations, etc. Listening to lectures and note taking
FLE 201-001 MW 3:00-4:15

FLE 101- Academic Writing and Research (3 credits)- For non-native speakers of English intensive
instruction in academic writing and research. Basic principles of rhetoric and strategies for academic inquiry
and argument. Instruction and practice in critical reading, including the generative and responsible use of
print and electronic sources for academic research, adapted for non-native speakers. Exploration of literate
practices across a range of academic domains, laying the foundation for further writing development in
college. Continued attention to grammar and conventions of standard written English. Satisfies freshman
English requirements. Successful completion of FLE 101 requires a C- or better. Credit for FLE 101 is not
allowed if the student has already fulfilled the first-year writing requirement.
FLE 101 (5 sections): MW 10:15-12:05; MW 3:00-4:50; MW 5:20-7:10; TTH 8:30-10:20; TTH 11:45-