NC State
MEAS Undergraduate Updates

The TRIO Ronald E. McNair Scholars Program is pleased to announce a new initiative for first- and second-year students! The Pre-McNair Scholars Program will introduce participants to research and graduate school through small group workshops and seminars. Students who participate will gain insight into becoming a McNair Scholar but does not guarantee acceptance into the McNair Scholars Program.

The application deadline is Friday, October 4th at 5 PM and is available online.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at!

The TRIO Ronald E. McNair Scholars Program helps qualified undergraduate students prepare for admission to doctoral programs and the successful pursuit of Ph.D. degrees. The McNair Scholars Program provides undergraduates with research experiences, GRE preparation sessions, faculty mentoring, professional skills, and assistance with the graduate school application process at no cost to the student. Students must meet eligibility criteria to be competitive for the program.