NC State
MEAS Undergraduate Updates
The Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity, the Women’s Center & Women’s and Gender Studies, the Division of Academic and Student Affairs, the Office of Global Engagement as well as College Deans across campus are jointly helping to fund the WomenNC United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) Leadership Training Program for two selected NC State Students.  This research fellowship opportunity offers a one-of-a-kind opportunity for students to:
  • conduct an original research project under the professional mentorship of the RTI Global Gender Center staff,
  • formulate policy recommendations based upon their research,
  • present their findings to local elected officials to advocate for important community issues,
  • share their research with a community audience of 200+ at the Local-to-Global Symposium as well as at the NC State Gender & Equity Research Symposium, and
  • attend a week-long trip to New York to attend the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women in March, during which they present their research to a global audience.
Further details regarding the program, WomenNC, and application information can be found at the links below.  
CSW Leadership Training Program
Promotional Video
Info Session Event Details
The deadline for student applications is quickly approaching (Sept 1st). An information session will be held on Thursday, August 22nd from 6-7:30pm in the Women’s Center (Talley Student Union, Suite 5210).  Please attend to learn more and ask questions!