The Carolinas and Georgia Sections of SME – Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration – are offering scholarships to geosciences students (they don’t have to be a SME member, they only need to be registered in a geoscience program in North Carolina, South Carolina, or Georgia). The amount of scholarships are to be determined based on fund raising at our upcoming joint meeting in April 26-27 (meeting notice attached, open to all professionals and students in geoscience related programs). Please invite your students to participate in this scholarship program by following the attached guidelines to apply for the scholarship before the deadline which is Monday, April 1, 2019. SME would like to support our future leaders in the geosciences through these scholarships and would greatly appreciate your help.
Also, all students and professionals (both members and non-members) are invited to attend our annual meeting and field trip which will be on Industrial Minerals in Asheville, NC on April 26-27, 2019. For more information, please see the attached notice or click here.
Best Regards,
Hamid Akbari, PhD
SME Carolinas Section Chair
Senior Process Engineer
Minerals Research Laboratory
North Carolina State University
180 Coxe Ave
Asheville, NC 28801, USA
Phone: (828) 251-6155 Ext.: 223
Fax: (828) 251-6381