NC State
MEAS Undergraduate Updates

The 2nd World Congress on Undergraduate Research (WCUR)

Building on the success of the 1st World Congress on Undergraduate Research in Doha (Qatar, November 2016), the World CUR 2019 will take place at Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, Germany, from 23 – 25 May, 2019The Office of Undergraduate Research encourages NC State undergraduate researchers to apply to present at this global conference. Image result for Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, Germany

Congress for Students

The Congress will be an opportunity for global dialogue across many different fields of inquiry. Students across the world are invited to share their research, discuss global issues, create international research partnerships, and to enjoy and explore the northwest of Germany.

All Disciplines Welcome

We welcome scientific papers, creative arts pieces, scholarship in science, humanities, and social sciences from undergraduate students. Bachelor theses are also welcome as long as they are not older than one year. Register now to submit your research abstract »

Funding Support for Travel

NC State undergraduate students who are accepted to present may apply for an OUR Travel Grant for up to $500 to help defer some of the travel costs. Additionally, NC State students who are accepted to present will have their registrations covered by our office. All other accommodations and travel will be the responsibility of the student.

Important Dates of the World CUR 2019

Call for Participation and Reviews (all in 2018)

World CUR Abstract Portal opens
Re-Submission-Option available until *
Deadline Abstract Submission **
Abstract Decision Notifications Begin ***

Registration (all in 2019)

World CUR Registration Portal opens
Registration Deadline for Presenters 
Hotel Reservation Deadline
Early Registration Deadline
Late Registration Deadline
Start World CUR 2019


Early submissions (i.e., before 15 August, 2018) have the benefit that if one reviewer chooses the “conditional rejection with re-submission” option, a re-submission within the regular deadline is allowed (i.e., before 16 October, 2018).

For more information visit the conference site at


Office of Undergraduate Research

NC State University
Campus Box 7576
2229 Broughton Hall
Raleigh, NC 27695-7576
919-513-0095 – main office number
Office Hours: 8a-5p Monday – Friday