NC State
MEAS Undergraduate Updates

satisfy both the GEP Humanities and the GEP Global Knowledge requirements:

REL 220 Religion in the Contemporary World, Dr. Mary Kathleen Cunningham, MW 10:15-11:30
Engagement of diverse religious traditions with the contemporary world. Examination of topics such as religion and the environment, science, women and gender, the state, justice and conflict. Spring 2019 flyer

REL 314 Introduction to Intertestamental Literature, Dr. William Adler, TH 1:30-2:45
Intertestamental literature in the context of Jewish history, institutions, and beliefs of the Intertestamental Period (ca. 300 B.C.-ca. 100 A.D.). Includes the Dead Sea Scrolls. Spring 2019 Flyer

REL 317 Christianity, Dr. Mary Kathleen Cunningham, MW 11:45-1:00
Development of Christianity from its origins to the present; events, persons, ideas, beliefs, and practices which were most significant in this development. Spring 2019 flyer