Come to our first two information sessions of fall 2018! Meet the Fellowship Advising Office (FAO) and learn about the details about external funding for extraordinary opportunities open to undergraduates, graduate students, and alums in all disciplines before fall 2018 deadlines (see
Date, Award, and Fall 2018/2018-19 AY eligibility
12PM-1:30PM, Truman Scholarship: juniors in all majors aspiring to leadership in public service (research, teaching, elected office, nonprofits, advocacy, arts, etc.)
4PM-5:30PM, FAO fall general information session: varies based on the opportunity; open to current students and alums interested in study abroad, language learning, research in all disciplines, leadership development internships, graduate school, and more
Full details (including locations):
Social media content (see attached flyers): and hashtags #ExploretheExtraordinary and #GetToKnowFAO
If you cannot attend and want to apply for one or more of these extraordinary opportunities, you are strongly encouraged to email Dr. Tiffany Kershner and Ms. Alsace Gallop with questions. You are also urged to schedule an appointment to meet with them to discuss these and other funded opportunities.
Alsace-Lorraine Gallop, MHA
Advisor and Recruiter for Distinguished Scholarships and Fellowships
Fellowship Advising Office
Division of Academic and Student Affairs
North Carolina State University
206 Clark Hall
Campus Box 8610
Raleigh, NC 27695-8610
(p) 919-515-8391
(f) 919-513-4392
Twitter: @NCState_FAO
Schedule an appointment at